Analytical Product Contest

The IACA Analytical Product Contest is an opportunity to showcase exceptional analytical products created by IACA members. If your analytical product has received great reviews from your agency, outside agencies or your peers, submit an entry for consideration. Take this opportunity to gain recognition for your hard work at an international level. Awards will be presented at the IACA Annual Training Conference.

Types of Products

Tactical Crime Bulletins: Bulletins that were created for patrol or investigation divisions to aid in solving a tactical crime pattern. This includes crime series, sprees and suspect information. These bulletins are generally no more than two (2) pages.

Charting: Products including all link charts, timelines, flowcharts, and other investigative/intelligence-based tools. Data may include, but is not limited to, known person associations, telephone tolls, commodity flows, etc.

Crime Maps: Maps that represent a crime trend, pattern or series, or cell phone analysis. Analysis should be included in the map, as well as basic map components.

Statistical Reports: Reports that are crime-based and that may be produced on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. These may include CompStat-type reports or reports that summarize a case in which statistical crime analysis was involved. These reports are usually several pages in length and are usually strategic or administrative in nature. (Must include statistical analysis as part of the product).

Intelligence Products: Products that are based on gang, terrorism, or homeland security intelligence analysis. These may include daily, weekly, or monthly briefs, requests for information (RFIs), summaries, assessments, situational intelligence reports (SIRs), post-incident analysis, etc.

Dashboard/Interactive Products: In-house/custom dashboards that provide capabilities for Command Staff, Officers, and Analysts to conduct analysis. Commercialized, out-of-the-box dashboard solutions will not be accepted entries (such as Accurint Crime Analysis, ArcGIS Dashboard, CrimeView, Lumen, etc.).


Submission period May 30 - June 27, 2025
Who is eligible Active member(s) for at least one (1) year (since 5/30/24 or earlier).
Who can submit Product Author (only).
Number of Awards
First, second and third place for each type of product.
Entry Limitations
  • One (1) entry per person or group per category.
    • May submit one (1) entry as an individual OR as part of a group, but not both. 
  • Separate entry for each category.
    • The same product may not be entered in different categories.
  • One (1) award will be given to an agency group/unit if entry was completed by more than one (1) member.
  • All authors must be current IACA members since 5/30/24 or earlier.
Entry Requirements

Product must have been created between June 2024 and June 2025.

Each submission must contain:

  • Analyst name(s), agency, date of creation.
  • Agency group name if product was completed by more than one member.
  • Analysis must be part of the entry, not just a presentation of the data or dashboard.
  • Product entry must stand on its own without any narration or supplemental documentation.
  • The author is responsible for redacting any confidential/sensitive material, as winners will be posted on the IACA website.

Files must not exceed 150 MB.

  • Static bulletins/products: PDF/JPEG only (no Word documents or Publisher files).
  • Interactive products: MP4, WMV, AVI video of the dashboard in use. 

Winners will be announced at the IACA Annual Conference.


The Awards Committee reserves the right to disqualify any entry that does not meet the requirements above.

A confirmation email will be sent at the time of submission. A copy can also be found in the member Profile under Message History.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Awards and Recognition Committee at [email protected]. 

The submission period is closed.