American Society of Evidence-Based Policing
The ASEBP is a non-profit organization designed to drive the national conversation towards ensuring that the least harmful, most effective, fairest and safest research-based strategies are employed to prevent crime, reduce harm and improve community and officer wellness. At the core of ASEBP is the belief that law enforcement is a noble profession, filled with talented professionals, who are capable and ready for positive change towards evidence-based practices. The ASEBP wants to create a society that receives input from the street cops that work on these problems daily. We see science as a solution to guiding the art of policing.
ASEBP offers our members: a yearly conference; a bi-monthly newsletter; a bi-weekly EBP digest; a bi-weekly research brief; a monthly blog; a robust general listserv; access to Justice Clearinghouse webinars and 12 EBP webinars a year.