
Non-English webinars: 

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Webinars are 1-2 hour long sessions, usually held once a month, via Zoom, that can either be stand-alone topics or a series of topics that connect from one to the next. The sessions can be taken independently, but for a webinar series, the material builds on itself as the year goes on so we encourage people to take the whole series. To learn more about how webinars work, please view our FAQs page.

Each webinar costs $15 for IACA members, $30 for non-members. If a session is free, it will be noted in the description. All students who participate live will receive a Certificate of Attendance. All IACA members who register for a webinar will receive Continuing Education credits for that session, regardless if they attend live or receive the recording. 

Some (but not all) webinars are recorded and can be viewed in the webinar library by IACA members after 45 days have passed from the original air date. For previous webinar series and virtual conferences, please see the bottom of this page.


Geolocation and Call Detail Record (CDR) Analysis Series 2025

Language English
Difficulty Level / Intended Audience Anyone

Instructors Sarah Fletcher and Mike Winslow

The Geolocation and Call Detail Record (CDR) Analysis Series is a comprehensive webinar series designed to provide in-depth knowledge on analyzing call detail records and geolocation data across various telecommunications carriers. Each monthly session targets a specific carrier or application—starting with Verizon and moving through T-Mobile, AT&T, and other relevant technologies.

The series includes both analytical techniques and case studies, culminating in tools for visualization and courtroom preparation. Suitable for analysts at different levels, this series equips participants with the skills required for effective and advanced telephone toll analysis. 

Please note that the instructors will not be teaching based off a particular paid platform. The November session will discuss various paid and free options to assist with analyzing CDRs.

All CDR series sessions will be recorded; if you cannot attend the live session, we will provide the recording within 2 business days.  All registrants who are IACA members will receive Continuing Education Credits and you may request a certificate if you want one. For non-registrants, the recordings will be posted to the webinar library after 45 days.

Students can either “mix and match” individual sessions as necessary or can purchase a series pass for all 12 sessions at a 25% discount. If you join the series pass mid-year, the price will be pro-rated and you will also receive the recordings for the previous sessions without the 45-day waiting period.

Click here for a detailed outline and class materials (which will be added as the year progresses.)


Most sessions are held at 1400 Eastern time on the 2nd Thursday of the month, but please verify specific dates.

  • March 13thT-Mobile CDR Analysis
  • April 10thT-Mobile Case Studies
  • May 8thAT&T CDR Analysis
  • June 12thAT&T Case Studies
  • July 10thOther Carrier Related Analysis - Tower/Area Dumps, Pings, etc.
  • August 14th - Cellebrite Device Locations
  • September 4thSocial Media and Apps Geolocation Analysis Part 1
  • October 9thSocial Media and Apps Geolocation Analysis Part 2
  • November 13thVisualization Tools & Resources
  • December 11thCourtroom Prep

Completed Sessions (Available in webinar library for IACA members)

  • January - Verizon CDR Analysis
  • February - Verizon Case Studies (available in library approx. Mar. 30th)
Register for CDR Series

If you have questions about the webinar program, visit Webinar FAQs.

Previous Webinar Series

  • Microsoft Excel Series 2017 (all sessions available in webinar library)
  • Microsoft Access Series 2018 (all sessions available in webinar library)
  • Best Practices Series 2019 (all recorded sessions available in webinar library)
  • i2 Series 2020 (all sessions available in webinar library)
  • ArcGIS Pro Series 2021 (all sessions available in webinar library)
  • Certification Series 2022 (all sessions available in webinar library)
  • Virtual Conference 2023 (all recorded sessions available in webinar library)
  • Power Series 2023 (all sessions available in webinar library)
  • Virtual Conference 2024 (all recorded sessions available in webinar library)
  • Tactical Series 2024 (all recorded sessions available in webinar library)

Visit the Webinar Library to view previous webinars (requires member login).

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