35th Annual Training Conference

September 8-12, 2025 in Orlando, Florida

Omni Resort

Call for Presentations

Presentation proposals for training sessions are now being accepted for consideration. All proposals must be submitted online no later than Sunday, March 30, 2025. Click here for detailed information

Registration Costs

Conference Registration will be limited to 1000.

  • IACA Members:  $575.00
  • Non-Members:  $675.00
  • Full-Time Students: $250 (proof of full-time status required).  To qualify for the student rate, the registrant must:
    • Be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student OR enrolled in a crime and intelligence certification program, with an accredited higher education institution.
    • Not be employed full-time as a crime or intelligence analyst or similar role with either a criminal justice agency or private entity.
      • Full-time law enforcement employees (dispatcher, records specialist, etc.) who are certification students do qualify for the student rate
    • Not be an IACA exhibiting vendor.
    • Students must submit a copy of their current transcripts to the IACA Conference Registrar ([email protected]) and be approved, before registering, to receive the student rate.
Register Now

Travel Information


Omni Orlando Resort at Championsgate, 1500 Masters Blvd, Championsgate, FL 33896

Conference Hotel Block Room Rate:  $179.00 per night + taxes (report fee has been waived).
Discounted rate available until August 5, 2025.

Book your room here.
Or call the Reservation Center at 1-800-THE-OMNI. The group name is
IACA Annual Conference


Orlando Airport link (MCO). Orlando Airport is 22.3 miles away. 

Check back for airport transport information.


Monday, September 8 to Friday, September 12, 2025. Sessions mostly occur 0800-1700 hours. Friday is a half-day.

Check back for additional information about courses and special events.

Tentative Schedule:  TBD
Prior Event Schedules:  2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021

Cancellation Policy

All conference registration cancellations must be submitted in writing to the IACA Conference Registrar at [email protected] on or prior to Friday, August 1, 2025, for a full refund.

  • Registrants who cancel on or prior to Friday, August 1, 2025, will receive a full refund if the registrant completed the registration process and paid prior to Friday, August 1, 2025.
  • Registrants who pay registration fees and do not attend the conference and fail to notify the IACA Conference Registrar of their cancellation will NOT receive a refund.
  • Registrants who have registered and not paid prior to the conference will be responsible for a $250 food/administrative fee if cancellation is not received by Friday, August 1, 2025.
  • If your registration fee has been paid, but you cannot attend, you may transfer your registration to another person in your organization. All transfers/substitutions must be coordinated with the IACA Conference Registrar at [email protected]. Please notify us as soon as you have determined that a substitution is required.